What is the “meaning of work”?

Thank you very much.

Well, last year, my company’s boss retired, and I thought at that time.
That person was working hard, and he was like “life is work”.
Then he retired and I came up with the idea, “What was that person’s life after all?” Since then, for some reason my motivation for my work hasn’t risen at all.
I can’t find that kind of “meaning of work” in myself right now, and I would like to ask you about that.

Well, I think that each of you is giving services and necessary things so that the world will be convenient.
Under such circumstances, you work hard unifying your spirit. We have 24 hours a day, so you do some work, giving your time, your abilities, and you receive a reward. You need clothing, food and shelter.
In that sense, you work, and you grow up very mentally.
Being innocent, you can do a good job, get good results, and grow yourself and your personality through it, not just for money.
By doing so, the human relationships around you will be great by your presence, and you will also learn, and everyone will enhance each other.
In that way, and through that, you may be able to expand and think about how to make everyone happy, and I think there is a lot to learn from it.
That person is in his life. Well, everyone retires, and they all die someday. The work is over, and someday there will be an end.
Everything has an end. However, through that, you purify your karma. You learn more about “how to live”.
I hope we can live in such a way that we can get closer to the truth.
Regarding what you made, you may get bored with it using temporarily. It may be nice for a while, but it’s not eternal, so they will be forgotten.
Under such circumstances, you will shift to growing yourself and polish the inside.
By meeting me, you can purify the inside even more, and you can do big work with less energy, and you will be thanked.
If you’ve learned all from the work, you may graduate and move to a different job. There are various processes in your life, and every time you can learn, I think.
After all you do your best. I don’t think there is any waste.
That person will change direction and live again. Now that he has a lot of time for himself, he might be thinking about something.
But someday, we have to graduate from all. We will die someday, so what can we do while we are alive?
You evolve consciousness, become a person with love, and become a peaceful person. I think that you can also express how to live in your company.
Expressing your love, you may notice that there are many things to learn in relationships. You may have some people who are not good at, but why are you not good at them?
I think that if you look at yourself, you will learn how to live, such as whether you are asking the other person too much, or whether you are saying this because the other person does not do this.
Therefore, please do your best to gain trust and power from this road.
If you change, even if the environment is the same, you will change. If you don’t change, no matter how much you change the environment, it will be the same, meaning you’re running away.
So, change yourself. Is it okay?
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