Words of wisdom

For those who feel “I hate work”. First, let’s do it innocently.

Let's do any work innocently first.

Some people always wonder if this job is right for them.

“I can't find the job I want to do” or “I'm doing a job I don't like for my life”. Some people may be working in such an unintended situation.

Some people may eventually give up on the job that suits them and continue to work.

On the other hand, no matter how talented you are and what you like, you have to achieve some results if you work.

It is difficult to keep producing results all the time.

You can't maintain a good situation without constant effort and ingenuity.

For that purpose, "do everything intensively."

There is learning there. You can grow through experience.

It is important to do what you are given now. Everything becomes your fertilizer.

It is important to be thankful for what you have been given and to do it innocently. That is the training to live oneself.

If you work with all your heart, saying "I like it" or "I don't like it," you will get tired.

Instead of expecting a job that suits you right from the start, you should do everything innocently.

Some professions, like doctors and firefighters, help people visibly, but even if they aren't visible, their daily activities are important.

You help others, accumulate good karma, and do good deeds. It's great to be able to always thank.

You can grow through those daily activities through your work. You can also purify your actions.

The act makes you. Acting with compassion and doing good deeds will cleanse your own selfish mind. You will be purified.

You will make your thoughts beautiful. You will make the act beautiful. Let's make your words beautiful. They lead to better karma.

By purifying bad karma and accumulating good karma, the fate of the future will change to a good one.

If you share your that energy with others, it will be an opportunity for everyone to become good people.

This is also one of the important tasks and jobs for the world.

At the individual level, we will accumulate good energy.

Let's think about work not only from the perspective of working and getting paid, but also from the perspective of "my own work."

By doing so, you will be able to see what you can evolve while benefiting society and people.

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