Words of wisdom

About Diksha

(February 2019, a line of people waiting for Yogmata’s Darshan at Kumbh Mela)


I hear that various saints give diksha in India, but what about the reality?


All saints and masters give diksha in India.

The population of India is 10 times larger than that of Japan, so there is such an Indian lifestyle that there are many masters and they teach spiritual things.

Bhakti yoga teachers, Tantric teachers, teachers doing a little yoga. I don’t know if such teachers can do Samadhi.

However, there are really few masters of the Himalayan saint, Samadhi yogi.

Receiving the diksha from the Himalayan saints directly is really special and a scientific system.

That scientific system transforms everything. There is a diksha that you can realize by such blessing.

I myself practiced very hard. But when many people connect with God through such an initiation of blessing and really balance it, they can meditate quickly and deeply.

I think it’s easier to practice because it’s encouraging to have people feel the joy of training by creating and opportunity to do so, and because they have that kind of mysterious power within themselves.


Thank you very much.

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