Words of wisdom

The anger that has just risen is a “learning opportunity”

There are many types of anger.

There may be "selfish anger" in which one simply wants to satisfy one's desires but gets angry at the fact that others do not hear it.

There is also anger from the thought that it will be better if that person changes like this, and anger toward society that it will be better if the society changes like this.

You’re trying to get others to understand with anger. You get angry because you feel a contradiction in the difference from your own values.

Why doesn't it go as expected?

Anger is destructive and not good. You need to be calm. If you can receive anger as learning instead of just getting angry, it will lead you to further growth.

For example, even if you try to achieve it by force because you think right, there will be interference from the other party, and there will be an energy stagnation that does not go as you expected. And you get angry feelings.

It was learning and you are given the opportunity to reflect on it. It may be time to understand that you are selfish so you do not understand the other person's position, or that you have little ability to read the situation. It's also an opportunity to know that you're conceited and that you're ignorant.

This is an opportunity to know that your ego is strong, and that you need more love. It is also an opportunity to think that this is the path to true happiness.

Understand that you have to have more love, not the ego. It is also a gratitude for being alive. You understand that what is needed is all happening. You learn from everything and there’s no waste. It's time to deepen awareness so that you can become more aware of what's missing and what to do to improve perfection.

If you get anger that everything doesn’t go well as you think, anger that you want to change someone but you can't help it, or anger that blames you, you immediately notice and accept that energy.

It brings awareness. You realize what happened to you, what happened around you, what you wanted, and what was the cause. They are the awareness for growth and evolution. Even though it's anger for wanting to evolve or for thinking about the other person, it causes pressure and tiredness, and it doesn't lead to your true growth.

How should we get through it? Make yourself aware that you are not angry. Accept everything. It doesn't change by force. Resistance arises there.

The mechanism of the mind can be understood through anger. What is the desire of the heart? What is ignorance? What are you aware of? What is the meaning of living?

It's important to understand. It is important to see it as it is. It is important to forgive. It is important to be grateful. It's important to be here now.

You will notice it through your anger. You notice your heart. You notice the compassion for others.

There is growth there.

(Excerpt from Takarajimasha "Turning the energy of anger into happiness")

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